Planet X is a warped wasteland with large swatches of vastly
differing terrains and climates. The Grand Bang warped the world forever,
sizzling the seas and soaking the land itself with extremely toxic and potent
energies. The largest land mass on Planet X is collectively called The Known
World, and is the home of the 5 Great (and some not so great) civilizations of
the world.
The standard currency of the world is known as the Gold Chip,
shards of dulled and charred coins used as the coin of the realm before the
events of the Grand Bang. While hard currency is rather rare these days, a
thriving economy of trade and barter for services is how most transactions are
While there aren’t exactly well-kept trails and roads in the
Wasteland, the residents of Planet X find ways to keep themselves a’movin’…
Radiated Roads
By far, the most commonly used mode of Transportation on Planet
X is a curious beast known as a Clucker, which is a horse-sized mutated Chicken
that can be trained as a mount. Cluckers have replaced Horses as the default
bestial mount of choice on Planet X, and they can be found pretty much anywhere
in the world. Hardy and easily bred, your average riding Clucker costs 300 Gold
Chips, though thoroughbred Cluckers, racing Cluckers and even Warcluckers have
been known to sell for thousands and thousands of Gold Chips.
Smoldering Seas
The Grand Bang didn’t only screw up the land, mind you, but also
polluted the seas and the endless deeps as well. The oceans of Planet X glow a
vivid and sizzling green, and Mutated sea monsters dwell in the sludgy waters
that await those daring (or stupid) enough to attempt to set sail. For this
reason, oceanic travel on Planet X is akin to suicide. Sea travel along the
coastline is often ones best bet for survival, though even this is highly
dangerous. While there isn’t such a thing as “Fresh” water on Planet X, there
are still a few rare streams and creeks that can sustain life. As you might
expect, sources of water on the planet are viciously fought over wherever they
Thanks to a strange floating creature known as Blish hooked up
to a basket filled with passengers (much like a hot air balloon), the folks of
Planet X can sail the skies in style. Travel by Blish is convenient and
relatively safe (compared to facing the numerous perils of traveling by road),
but must be performed in small journeys of no more than a few hours at a time.
You see, ever since the Grand Bang blew up the sun and scattered fragments of
it throughout the sky, it has made things quite hot, and being high up in the
toxic atmosphere with fragments of the sun washing down on you is a sure way to
go nuts due to a perilous condition called Sun Sickness. In game terms, someone
can travel via air for half their vigor dice in hours before having to roll a
Vigor Check. Failure grants them a Fatigue level due to Sun Sickness. A Fatigue
level gained in this fashion goes away after d6 hours of rest on the ground.
Even if you decide to fly at night, the atmosphere above ground is quite hot,
imposing the same penalty.
If there’s one thing that can be said about Planet X, it’s that
there’s never a dull moment. Listed below are just a few of the things you
ought to look out for on your travels throughout our lovely land.
Native Wildlife
So, the Grand Bang produced a crap-ton of awful, sinister beings
that attack first, cannibalize second, and ask questions third. If you’d like
to know specifically what kind of baddies lurk the radiated landscape, check
out the Nuclear
Horrors section.
Raiders & Reavers
As you might expect, lawlessness is a huge problem on Planet X,
and there are endless gangs, guilds and sects devoted to robbing and plundering
those weaker than themselves. There is no codified law enforcement on Planet X
as a whole, and one has to look out for themselves and their belongings. Among
the most feared gangs in the Wasteland, the Atomic
Aces deserve
special mention. These outlaws only admit the meanest and most vicious sorts
into their black-hearted brotherhood.
Giant Bug-Men!
The Grand Bang was the best thing that could have happened to
the vermin of the world, and nowadays, a group of folks known as Klackers “shares”
the Wasteland with Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Ogres. Klackers (mostly)
believe that Insectoid life is the new supreme being and rightful heir to the
planet, and they see all non-Klackers as evolutionary relics of a long past
age. Worse yet, mobs of Klacker Slavers will roam the Wasteland and capture any
able-bodied “Fleshy” they can and shackle them into slavery.
The Mentarium
Warpers are beings gifted with frightening mental powers.
Warpers must fuel their abilities by eating fresh brains, which makes them a
bit eccentric compared to most normal folks, obviously. While most Warpers are
decent sorts who only eat the brains of the recently deceased, the Mentarium
are a fanatical sect of Warpers who take cruelty to a whole new level. They
view all non-Warpers as unenlightened savages, only fit to feast upon.
Membership in the Mentarium is highly secretive, and its spies and agents seem
to infiltrate the most shocking of places in society. The Mentarium is said to
be led by a mysterious figure known as “The High Mind” whose identity remains a
secret to outsiders. Rumor has it that the High Mind has a telepathic link at
all times with all members of the Mentarium, and can deliver orders to its
agents with but a thought.
There are numerous tongues spoken on Planet X, with the most
populous being listed and described below.
Chatter: The
common tongue of the Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Ogres.
Arcanican: The
hoity-toity magical tongue of the Humans (think Latin).
Primordeen: The
ancient, flowery language of the Elves and ancient mystical creatures.
Dwaric: The
articulate and exacting tongue of the Dwarves comprised of exceedingly lengthy
Gnomad: The
quick, excitable tongue of the Gnomish people.
Oggish: The
cruel, guttural language of the Ogres, rife with grunts, snarls and hisses.
Klackni: The
chittering, insectoid-y language of the Klackers.
Slag: Many
claim that the horribly irradiated Slagodons have their own method of
communication, but no non-Slag has mastered the language and lived to tell
about it.
What can I speak?: Starting
characters begin play knowing how to speak Chatter as well as their native
language. For each Smarts die you have above d4, you can also comprehend an
additional language. Therefore, someone with Smarts d4 can speak Chatter and
their native tongue, someone with Smarts d6 can speak Chatter, their native
tongue and one extra language, and someone with Smarts d12 is fluent in
Chatter, their native tongue, and four other languages.
This is where it all went wrong, and the decimated ruins of the
once-great Human Kingdom of Arcanica still smolder to this very day, sending up
waves of thick, choking black smoke. In fact, the smog over the ruins are so
thick that barely any sunlight can penetrate it. Howling winds whistle spookily
through the endless ruins of the former seat of Arcane power in the world, a
grim reminder of the price to pay for otherworldly power. A constant, never ending
rain of soot and ash rains down lazily on the catastrophic ruins at all times.
While the ruins are a haven for all manner of ancient and buried
treasures, as well as artifacts from time gone by, the Ruins are also the most
irradiated place in the entire world. No life can be found in the Arcanican
ruins, and those few who dare to venture through the rubble must make a
Radiation Check for every hour they spend within the ruins, instead of every 24
hours. Lastly, many claim that ancient and glowing ghosts of long-dead Human
Wizards virulently defend their treasures, but surely these are just fairy
Tower: There are several haunted Wizard Towers strewn throughout the
ever-smoldering Ruins of Arcanica, but this one warrants particular mention.
Lamazridan was a Human Wizard of minor skill and renown in the pre-Bang days,
but he was one of the few Wizards who implored his fellow spell casters to use
their copious magical powers more wisely. He suggested stricter laws against
abuses of magical power and preached against the temptations of the
otherworldly power arcane magic offered. Ostracized and ridiculed by his fellow
Wizards for such an outlandish suggestion, Lamazridan’s ghost still haunts his
tower, filled with remorse and sadness for the folly of his fellows. Unlike
other Phantom Arcanists (See the Nuclear
Horrors Section), Lamazridan is friendly and sympathetic to those who he
comes across. In fact, he’s downright lonely, and will do anything in his power
to keep guests around…
This once enchanted Fairy Glade is the ancient home of the
enigmatic Elves, a place of impossible beauty and brutal savagery even before
the Grand Bang. While the Grove is still undisputedly the greenest place in the
entire world, that natural beauty has been twisted and warped. The Glade is
covered in massive, castle-sized mushrooms that constantly discharge
hallucinogenic spores into the air that can easily drive those who breathe them
in into gibbering, ravenous madmen. The Elves can function in these spores far
better than non-Elves due to centuries of exposure, but even they have been
forever mentally…touched from the stuff.
Plant and animal life in Sporelock Grove is akin to nature on
steroids, with mutated beasts and flesh-eating plants being some of the other
concerns one must contend with when visiting the Glade. Astonishingly tall
trees stretch up into the sky and cover the Glade in a rich canopy of leaves,
and the villages that dot the landscape are often times built into the very
trees themselves.
Non-Elves wishing to travel in Sporelock Grove must roll a Spore
check in the exact same fashion that they make Radiation checks. Failure grants
one “Insanity” point. When someone gains more Insanity Points than half their
Smarts die, they have a permanent case of “Spore Madness”, and roll a d6,
consulting the chart below. Someone with Spore Madness is constantly covered in
a hazy, gaseous spore cloud and has a wild, frantic look about them.
1. Comatose: You
immediately drift into a comatose state from which you will never awaken. While
comatose, you will not age, and will simply remain in a state of eternal,
blissful sleep.
2. Berserk: You go
into a wild, mad rage, attacking anything and everything in sight. You lose all
reason and will most certainly be put down like a rabid dog…
3. Seed of Life: Mushrooms
sprout out of your skin, and your flesh turns into a rigid, thick bark-like
substance. The good news is that you gain +1 Armor, but suffer -2 Charisma due
to your odd appearance. Fire also deals +4 damage to you.
4. Mind Fog: You
immediately forget who you are, losing all recollection of your past.
5. Touched: You
gain the Delusional (Minor) Hindrance.
6. Insanity: You
gain the Delusional (Major) Hindrance.
Gandrigal: The
oldest ancestral city of the Elven people is the mystical and enchanted city
known as Gandrigal. Strange stone formations dot the landscape of the city, and
grand barrier of thorned vines protects its dwellers from attack from outside
dangers. The air of this ancient place is thick with spores, and no non-Elves
live within its hallowed borders. The Spores are simply too intense for any
non-Elf to tolerate around the city.
Town: This Hunter’s community is surrounded by some of the most
impressive “natural” game in all of the Wasteland. The settlement of Tusk Town
is comprised mainly of woodsmen and big game hunters who all try and one up
their rivals by bringing down the biggest, most cunning kills. While Elves
frown at excessive and unnecessary hunting in general, Tusk Town is key to
Sporelock Grove’s meat and pelt trade, and a healthy rivalry between Elf and
Ogre hunters has developed through the years.
Perhaps the most relaxed and groovy place in the Known World, Deepwind is a
place where good vibes and positive thoughts are the laws of the land. Some say
the folks in Deepwind are super-hippies of the first order, believing that
peace, love and positive vibrations are the only way to live life. As you might
expect, recreational substance use is rather popular among the residents of
Deepwind, and this non-violent commune is filled with artists, dreamers, and
idealists all looking for heightened perception and spiritual enlightenment.
The Dwarves once boasted the grandest technological empire in
the world, but the Grand Bang turned their sprawling steam-powered workshops
into rusted junkyards and collapsed ghost towns. While Rilgard has fared better
than most of the Kingdoms in the world due to its subterranean structures,
countless Dwarven lives were lost as entire towns were swallowed up in
collapsed earth and shifting tectonic plates as the world rumbled from the
Grand Bang.
Rilgard is a land of stretching, impossibly shaped canyons and
breathtaking rock formations as far as the eye can see. Dwarven towns and
cities are cleverly tucked away in an underground maze of subterranean tunnels
and treacherous canyon pathways. Pools of bubbling, boiling hot tar have
claimed more than a few who could not maintain their footing in this perilous
place. While it may have seen better days, Rilgard is still the undisputed
center of culture and academia remaining on Planet X. Dwarves are very cerebral
beings, and as such, their homeland is littered with theatres, universities,
and museums. While much was lost during the catastrophic Grand Bang, the
Dwarves are heck-bent on rebuilding their once mighty kingdom to its former
Librum: The
center of Dwarven learning and education, Librum is a massive underground city
that holds the great Library of Librum, housing the greatest assortment of lore
anywhere on Planet X. It is from this hallowed place that the histories of
things has been recorded and faithfully stored, and the even after the Grand
Bang, the Dwarves have retained startlingly clear records of historical events
from numerous scholars and chroniclers. Access to the Great Library is heavily
restricted, and applicants who wish to browse the endless tomes and scrolls
there must first pass an exhaustive mental exam, with their final grade
determining how deep into the Library they may enter.
Cellany: A
haven for the arts and stage, Cellany was the most cultured place in the world
before the Grand Bang and remains so even after. Theaters, museums and
galleries fill this spirited city, and artists of all stripe flock to Cellany
to revel in whatever beauty is left in the irradiated world. All manner of art
is highly praised within the borders of Cellany, and its population is an eclectic
blend of vivid personalities.
Gizradon: Once
the technical capital of Rilgard, Gizradon was once bustling with workshops and
forges that spewed forth brilliant contraptions and inventions that boggled the
mind. It was here that the inquisitive Dwarves unlocked the secrets of Black
Powder Weapons, but now Gizradon is a ruin akin to a giant junkyard filled with
the husks of long-neglected contraptions. Those unfortunate souls who live in
this depressing town eke out a living by digging through the scrap piles in
search of anything of worth they might sell.
This curious realm of Ogland wasn’t a tourist destination before
the Grand Bang, and certainly isn’t now. Most of the terrain is parched and
cracked flatlands covered in craters that constantly and randomly belch forth
boiling hot steam. The wildlife of Ogland is a strange blend of Mutated
prehistoric creatures that seem to delight in terrorizing any living thing that
attempts to scurry away from them. The landscape is decorating in the massive
skeletal remains of these mutated dinosaur abominations, and Ogre settlements
seem to always be placed in the center of all the action, and fall constant
victim to marauding mutated beasts.
Even the weather in Ogland is dangerous, with fist sized flaming
meteorites taking the place of rainfall. Say what you will about Ogres, but
they sure do hate things nice and quiet, and it seems that every other day
brings a new calamity or fight for the burly residents of Ogland to hurl
themselves into. Settlements in Ogland are highly clannish, and every Ogre
thinks the town they were born in is the toughest and best, and will fight
anyone who dares to be born someplace else. This kind of neighborhood rivalry
is an essential part of Ogre life, and even non-Ogres living in Ogland can get
caught up in a pride for their home. Due to this, rumbles between neighboring
towns is quite a common occurrence.
City: There is no rowdier place in all of Planet X than the capital
city of the Ogres. Perilously built around a large volcano that constantly
spits up a stream of roiling hot magma, Rumble City is home to the prized Big Rumble
Arena, where the toughest gangs fight for glory and honor in front of a
howling, raucous crowd of onlookers. Fortunes are won and lost at the arena,
and it is a veritable buffet for bloodthirsty Ogres and non-Ogres alike.
Sudmug: This…spirited
town is the home of Master Booze Brewer Puckolo, who makes some of the very
best brew to ever touch an Ogre’s lips. It is from here that Puckolo teaches
the secrets of his craft and runs his massive brewery. The town of Sudmug kind
of grew around him, and he is defacto Chief of the place. Any with a taste for
booze are welcome, and many of Puckolo’s apprentices study under him here.
Yigzagoda: The
petty Ogre Warlord Uktangak rules over Yigzagoda with an iron fist, demanding
hefty tribute from his subjects for his protection. While the people hate
Uktangak with a passion due to his wild demands of daily tribute, he remains in
power only because no one as of yet has been strong enough to depose him.
Yigzagoda is built inside the skull of a giant dinosaur that protects those
inside the city from the deadly raining balls of magma that rain down from Ogland’s
turbulent skies.
When one thinks of a stereotypical nuclear Wasteland, they
envision the badlands. Mile after mile of sun-drenched brush is littered with
deadly and disorientating sandstorms, cacti, quicksand patches, drifting
tumbleweeds and some of the most diverse and…strange wildlife found on Planet
X. The Badlands are aptly named, as life here is a struggle at best, but
strangely, many of the most well-known settlements and towns dot the landscape.
Say what you will about those who choose to live in the Badlands, but they are
a spunky and resilient bunch. The cloudless sky of the Badlands sizzles as the
burning fragments of the sun seem within clutching distance, but the nights are
freezing cold and possess fiendishly bitter and whipping winds.
The reason for this population boom in recent years is purely
because of rumors of a lush, green and virgin oasis that is said to be
somewhere in the Badlands. Adventurers of all stripes quest through the
Badlands in search of this fabled place, and before too long, the Badlands were
being settled at an increased rate. Adventure and curious characters abound the
sweltering Badlands, as do chances for fame, riches, and the perilous dangers
that guard them.
Bingo: This
experimental city is causing quite a commotion, and is rapidly growing into one
of the most promising settlements in the Known World. Bingo is run by the
idealist Gnome Mayor Londrick Lozzle, who has built Bingo with complete and
total equality in mind. All peaceful folks can find refuge within Bingo’s
borders, and Humans, Warpers, and even Klackers can find a home there as long
as violence is kept to a healthy minimum. Every day more and more flock to
Bingo, seeing it as a place where one can start anew and find solace from the
horrors of the Wasteland.
Beach: This mythical radiation-free place may or may not exist, and is
said to be a gorgeous oasis somewhere in the Badlands where the sand is warm
and the water is cool. Palm trees produce sway lazily in the breeze, causing a
steady rain of coconuts that can easily feed a lucky sap for life who is lucky
enough to find the place. Some fevered souls claim to have seen Gootopia from
afar when wandering the Wasteland, only to have it cruelly vanish like some
mirage. Others claim that the place is a fairy tale myth made up by the
Mentarium to lure unwary wanderings into their vile clutches. Nonetheless, more
and more adventurous souls flood into the Badlands in search of any sort of
clue that Gootopia Beach actually exists.
Omen: This
deadly city is home of the nefarious Mentarium, and is said to be the site of
their unholy rites and dark meetings. No one has entered Omen and lived to tell
what exactly goes on there, and only wild rumors depict the strangeness that
the nutcases in the Mentarium must be up to. Omen was built on the site of the
very first recorded Girth Worm attack, and many believe that the Mentarium
worship the Girth Worm for its potent mind-melting Psionic powers. Omen is
surrounded by a constantly raging sandstorm that can easily sweep up those poor
souls who wander too close to its borders. More than one horror story has
arisen about someone walking into a great sandstorm and suddenly coming face to
face with strange hooded (and hungry) figures. As you might expect, the
Mentarium is always willing to personally greet visitors who wander into their
This murky, depressing landscape is a vast and never-ending
swamp, complete with withered black trees, sweltering humidity and
sludge-filled pools of muck that make ground travel difficult. Nadderbog is
sparsely populated, but it does have a few notable settlements. This desolate
place is widely known as a haven for those who don’t want to be found, or those
that society in general shuns. Criminals, Humans, runaway Warpers and other
undesirables often find Nadderbog to be the only place where they can eke out a
life unnoticed by the general populace.
Slugmire: This
disgusting little place is ruled by the Dwarf Crime Lord Zerander, who is the
head of the criminal syndicate known as the Marsh Maggots, who specialize in
high price assassination. The Marsh Maggots have their headquarters in this
sleazy, slimy town, and as you might expect, it’s a den of vice, gambling and
crime. Life is truly at its cheapest in Slugmire, and only the foolish travel
the streets unarmed.
This arid realm is comprised mostly of flatland surrounding an
endless terrain of skyscraper sized ant hills. Aptly named, The Hive is the
homeland of the Klackers, who are mutated insects given sentience by the Grand
Bang. The Klackers are led by the brutal warlord known as King Buzztor, who’s
xenophobic views of Insectoid superiority over the “Fleshy” species of the
world has led to a division amongst the Klacker people. Once universally
supported, Buzztor’s views became more and more extreme, until he began
commanding Slaver parties of Klackers to venture forth into the Wasteland and
bring back Fleshy slaves to toil in his underground Salt Mines.
While he still has an iron grip on power in The Hive, many
Klackers find his methods unnecessarily brutal, and more and more Klackers flee
The Hive every day and take up residence outside of their cruel and power-mad
King’s borders. Buzztor plots daily in his grand palace, amassing an army of
loyal and devoted soldiers whom he plans on someday unleashing upon the
Wasteland so that he can expand the boundaries of his bloody kingdom.
Fleshfall: The
seat of King Buzztor’s power, Fleshfall is the location of Buzztor’s maze-like
underground salt mines where all of those enslaved by the Klackers toil in
agony. The city is one hundred percent devoted to their King and his warped
views, espousing the superiority of all Bug-Kind over all other beings on
Planet X. The laws of the city are draconian and strictly enforced, with any
kind of disagreement with King Buzztor or his views being tantamount to
treason, with a sentence of stern, harsh and sudden execution.
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