Let’s face it: Savage Worlds needs some work to make
games using the system fun. The following rules are little minor (and some
not-so-minor) changes that I feel improve the fun factor of the game.
You begin play knowing how to read and write a number of
languages equal to half your Smarts Die type. One of these languages must be
your native tongue, and your second language must be the Universal common
tongue of your setting (if there is one).
Wild Cards &
A Wild Card cannot take more than 1 Wound in a single
attack. A good damage roll can take an undamaged person to Shaken and -1, but
no one should be one-hit by a 2d4 damage roll with endless Aces. This also
applies to Wild Card Villains as well, so, it works both ways!
Skill Changes
have mashed together a few skills into one broader skill, because nobody in
their right mind should have to waste valuable Skill Points on Boating and
Driving, when they should both be covered under one Skill (Navigation).
several Skills now have a choice of two Traits that they are linked to. For
instance, Fighting is now linked to the better of your Agility OR Strength
Traits. I did this for a number of Skills to reflect different Traits aiding in
the use of a Skill. For instance, someone with the Heal skill who is a Doctor
in a technologically advanced setting would use Smarts as their Trait for the
Heal Skill, but a savage Witch Doctor in a more primitive setting could easily
use Spirit to accomplish the same (basic!) results. The new Skill list is
presented below for ease of use.
Skill List
(Agility) [Combines Shooting and Throwing)
(Strength or Agility) [Combines Swimming/Riding/Climbing]
[NEW SKILL] Computer (Smarts)
(Strength or Agility)
(Smarts or Spirit)
(Smarts or Spirit)
(Smarts or Strength)
(Agility) [Combines Piloting/Boating/Driving]
[NEW SKILL] Performance (Spirit)
(Smarts or Spirit)
(Smarts or Spirit)
Skill: Knowledge
one should have to waste valuable Skill Points purchasing the Knowledge Skill
again and again just to have a learned character. You may choose one Area of
Knowledge equal to half your Knowledge Skill die. For instance, someone with a
Knowledge skill at d6 could pick 3 Areas of Knowledge. Examples of Areas of
Knowledge are Science, Tactics, Archaeology, Occult, History, Mathematics,
Chemistry, Botany, Law, Art History, or any other subject that an egghead might
want to study up on.
Skill: Computer (Smarts)
skill covers all manner of Computer related tasks, such as setting up networks,
researching difficult to find information, as well as hacking and subverting
computerized defense systems. Note that this Skill is not required for basic
Computer use. Someone without this skill can browse the Internet, work email
and Google filthy pictures of famous people. Knowledge of this skill is a
deeper understanding of more complex aspects of the technology. Obviously, this
skill is only available in settings where such technology exists.
New Skill: Performance (Spirit)
you want to entertain, delight or amaze with any sort of performance, this is
the skill for you. This Skill is a catch-all for several different mediums of
performance, and someone with this skill may choose a number of mediums that
they are proficient with equal to half their Performance Skill die. Therefore,
someone with Performance d8 may select 4 Mediums in which they are proficient. Example
Mediums include: Singing, Dancing, Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Mime, or any kind
of Instrument of Choice.
Revised Character Creation
Attributes: Spend 6 Attribute Points instead
of 5.
Skill Points: Spend 20 Skill Points instead of
Edges: Choose
2 Edges.
Wealth: Spend
1,000 Units of Wealth of your setting on weapons and gear.
_______________________________________________ARCANE BACKGROUND: WARPER
Arcane Skill:
Warping (Smarts)
Starting Power
Points: 10
Starting Powers:
The Grand Bang severed Arcane Magic’s flow into the
world, perverting the mystical energies and forever morphing the world. However,
the toxic radiation flooding the world also grants some enlightened (or cursed)
souls with an expansion of their own consciousness and mental acumen. The only
form of supernatural ability remaining on Planet X is the psionic discipline
called Warping. Those who practice Psionics are called Warpers, and they have
unlocked the untapped power of their mind.
Drawback: Along
with the mental powers of an unlocked mind, Warpers inherit a grim appetite for
the brains of sentient beings. Once per week, a Warper must consume the brain
of at least one sentient being (any being with Smarts of d6 or higher). The
Brain must be somewhat fresh (no more than 5 days removed). If a Warper fails
to feast on a suitable Brain once a week, then they suffer from a Fatigue level
for each week they go without consuming a Brain. These Fatigue levels can only
be healed by eating one fresh, juicy Brain per Fatigue level endured.
Warpers often times are greatly respected and feared by
the general populace. The fact that they must consume brains to maintain their
powers is not exactly a popular meal choice among common folk, so many Warpers
are not very open about their particular gift.
Novice Warper
Armor (Phantasmal Shield), Blind (Mind Spike), Bolt
(Psychic Missile), Boost/Lower Trait (Physical Amplification), Burst (Sonic
Screech), Confusion (Dazzle), Darksight (Enhanced Senses), Deflection (Displacement),
Entangle (Paralyze), Speak Language
(Parlay), Stun (Cerebral Sever)
Seasoned Warper
Barrier (Force Field), Blast (Sonic Burst), Damage Field
(Nueral Disruption), Disguise (Mirage), Farsight, Havoc (Force Push), Invisibility
(Fade), Mind Reading (Thoughtsteal), Teleport (Matter Transference),
Veteran Warper
Fly, Puppet (Mind Control)
Heroic Warper
Divination, Intangibility (Astral Form)
Planet X is soaked in dangerous and toxic energies that
can warp living tissue that is exposed to it for too long. At the end of each
day, anyone who has spent more than 5 hours exposed to Radiation must roll a
Vigor check at difficulty 4. If you succeed, there are no adverse effects. If
this roll is failed, you gain one point of Radiation. The following chart
details the various levels of Radiation sickness and how it affects living
beings. Botching a Radiation roll gives you 2 points of Radiation. Some
fearsome creatures of the Wasteland also have special attacks that can grant
their victim Radiation points.
0 Radiation Points
This nigh-legendary state of being is quite rare in the
Wasteland, and you appear as a healthy and normal specimen of your Species at 0
1-2 Radiation
Points (Normal)
Most people in the Wasteland hover at this level of
Radiation. You appear a bit haggard and may have a few dark circles under your
eyes, but it could be worse, right?
3-4 Radiation
Points (Crispy)
At this stage, you cannot hide your condition, and your
eyes begin glowing vivid and eerie neon green. Your skin might break out in
itchy rashes at this point as well. You might also throw up glowing green goop
from time to time, as well. At this point, subtract -2 from your Charisma.
4-5 Radiation Points
(Extra Crispy)
This is where things start going bad…Your hair begins to
fall out in clumps and your skin begins to bubble. Your mind is still your own
(for now), but your memories begin to grow hazy and you have a difficult time
speaking clearly. Your Charisma is now -4.
6+ Radiation
Points (Nuked)
Once you attain more than 5 Radiation points, your body
explodes in a gory, gruesome mess, as if a hideously deformed Mutant had grown
rapidly inside you and burst through the outer shell that was your old body.
You become a Slagodon, a mindless, bloodthirsty orange killing machine covered
in eyes, sharp teeth and tentacles.
Losing Radiation
Unfortunately, Radiation Points don’t just go away on
their own, and you must purchase a specially made remedy called NUKE-B-GONE,
which costs 100 Gold Chips per dose. Each dose of NUKE-B-GONE reduces your
Radiation Points by d4 points. This die can ace as normal.
Protection Against
Soothing Salve:
There is an over the counter cream that is rubbed onto your skin called
Soothing Salve, granting you 24 hours of protection against the perils of Radiation.
Your next Radiation check after applying Soothing Salve gains a +2 bonus. One canister
of Soothing Salve costs 50 Gold Chips and has enough Salve for 3 applications.
Safe Zones:
You only need to make a Radiation check if you are exposed to the Wasteland for
5 or more hours in a 24 hour period. Safe Zones are places that are inhabited
and “civilized” by normal standards. For instance, if you spend 24 hours in a
town or settlement, you aren’t required to make a Radiation check. Wise
adventurers make sure to only expose themselves to the chaotic energies of the
Wasteland if they absolutely have to.
Gear Quality:
Good craftsmanship is a rare thing in Planet X, and sturdy, well-made weapons
are not in common circulation. You may choose to pay half the cost of a weapon
in order to get a lesser quality version of the said weapon. The weapon
functions the same and deals the same damage, but breaks and is rendered
useless if your Fighting and Wild Die both come up 1’s on an attack roll using
the weapon. Even if you spend a Benny to re-roll the botched attack, the weapon
is still ruined (serves you right for buying cheap!). It is assumed that only
Wild Cards use Good Quality gear.
Melee Weapons
Stabby (Cost-25/Damage-Str+d4)
A Stabby is slang for any small, simple and common blade.
Stabbies range from glass shards with taped handles, ice picks, daggers,
butterfly knives, switchblades, or anything small, easily concealable, and
pointy that can be used to ruin someone’s day.
Rapier (Cost-150/Damage-Str+d4/Parry +1)
Any thin, long blade is considered a rapier. A Rapier can
be upgraded into a Sword Cane by spending an extra 50 Gold Chips.
Baton (Cost-10/Damage-Str+d4)
Simply put, anything from a lead pipe to a sturdy femur
bone can be used to club someone senseless, though Quality batons are made of
much sturdier material than normal.
Boomerang (Cost-25/Damage-Str+d4/Can be thrown as well)
Low Quality Boomerangs are made of bone, and high quality
boomerangs are made of sturdy wood. The Boomerang can also be thrown for the
same damage.
Brass Knuckles (Cost-20/Damage-Str+d4/Wearer considered
Simple yet effective, these can be worn to improve the
punching power of the wearer. You can pay 50 Gold Chips to purchase spiked
Knuckles, which deal the same damage, but consider the wearer to be armed while
wearing them.
Whip (Cost-50/Damage-Str+d4/ Ignores shield Parry and
Cover bonuses)
A whip can also serve as a useful tool and can be used to
swing like Indiana Jones. Wheeeee! Good Quality whips are made of sturdy
leather, and Poor Quality whips are often times made of woven together giant
weeds (of which there are a plentiful supply in the Wasteland).
Pro Stabby (Cost-200/Damage-Str+d6)
These blades are larger than normal Stabbies, and can
either be bowie/survival knives, meat cleavers, Short Swords or even machetes.
Axe (Cost-200/Damage-Str+d6)
Doubles as a fine tool as well as a weapon!
Battle Axe (Cost-300/Damage-Str+d8)
A far more kill-ish version of the normal hand axe.
Staff (Cost-10/Damage-Str+d4/Parry +1, Reach 1, 2 Hands)
A sturdy beating stick is a cheap and effective method of
self defense in these troubled times.
Spear (Cost-100/Damage-Str+d6/Parry +1, Reach 1, 2 Hands)
Most low quality spears are tipped with rusty metal or
sharpened rocks, while the odd rare spear will have a tip made of sturdy and
untarnished metal. Spears can be thrown for the same damage.
Flail (Cost-200/Damage-Str+d6/Ignores shield Parry and
Cover bonuses)
This hefty ball on the end of a chain is swung around
wildly and can be difficult to anticipate.
Longsword (Cost-300/Damage-Str+d8)
The classic Longsword still hasn’t gone out of style even
after the Grand Bang, and these hefty weapons still see much use.
Great Sword (Cost-400/Damage-Str+d10/Parry -1, 2 Hands)
These massive two handed blades are capable of cleaving a
man in twain with a single slice. Youch!
Great Axe (Cost-500/Damage-Str+d10/AP 1, Parry -1, 2
Able to slice through armor in a single pass, the Great
Axe is a rare and favored weapon for executioners far and wide.
Ranged Weapons
Throwing Dagger (Cost-25/Damage-Str+d4)
A one-time charge of 25 Gold Chips grants you enough
throwing daggers to last until you roll a 1 on your Wild Die and your Throwing
die for a ranged attack.
Sling (Cost-10/Damage-Str+d4)
This leather strap can be used to launch small
projectiles like sharpened rocks or slugs made of crude metal chunks. Due to
their cheap cost and simplicity, Slings are the ranged weapon of choice
throughout the Wasteland.
Throwing Axe (Cost-75/Damage-Str+d6)
A one-time charge
of 25 Gold Chips grants you enough throwing axes to last until you roll a 1 on
your Wild Die and your Throwing die for a ranged attack.
Bow (Cost-250/Damage-2d6 Damage/2 Hands, Requires Str d6)
Sturdy bows are a rare weapon indeed, and most are made
from gnarled or splintered wood.
Crossbow (Cost-500/Damage-2d6/AP 2, Reload 2 Turns/2
Hands, Requires Str d6)
These powerful ranged weapons are quite slow to reload,
but they pack far more of a punch than a standard bow.
Black Powder
These ancient and technological marvels were crafted and
created by ancient Dwarven inventors, and they are considered to be some of the
most devastating weaponry in the world. These weapons only function in Dwarven
Flintlock Pistol (Cost-150/Damage-2d6/AP 1, Reload 1)
Elegant and refined, this potent ranged weapon packs the
power of a crossbow, but can be fired using one hand.
Flintlock Rifle (Cost-300/Damage-2d8/2 Hands, AP 2,
Reload 2)
These long and powerful rifles pack a devastating punch
and can be used at shockingly long range.
Blunderbuss (Cost-400/Damage-Special/2 Hands, AP 3,
Reload 2)
A Blunderbuss is pretty much a hand held junk-cannon that
launches a shower of jagged metal bits that shreds anything in its path. One
shot from a Blunderbuss can saw through even the heaviest armor as if it were
paper. A Blunderbuss does 1d6 damage at long range, 2d6 damage at medium range,
and 3d6 damage at close range. A Blunderbuss fires in a cone, targeting all
targets within that cone.
Leather Armor (Cost-50/Toughness +1)
Chain Armor (Cost-300/Toughness +2/Requires Strength and
Vigor d6/-2 to Stealth rolls)
Plate Armor (Cost-500/Toughness +3/Requires Strength and
Vigor d8/-4 to Stealth rolls)
Small Shield (Buckler) (Cost-25/Parry +1)
Medium Shield (Cost-50/Parry +1, +2 Armor to ranged shots
that hit)
Large Shield (Kite Shield) (Cost-200/+2 Parry, +2 Armor
to ranged shots that hit)
Uncle Dave’s Adventuring Pack (5 Gold Chips)
This great deal includes a backpack, bedroll, torches,
and rope for one low, low price. Get ‘em while they’re hot!
Mushroom Lantern (25 Gold Chips)
This small glass lantern possesses a glowing mutated
mushroom inside of it, which acts as a heatless torch. The Mushroom sheds light
when it is tapped by a fingertip and shuts off the same way.
NUKE-B-GONE (100 Gold Chips)
This wonder spray can be used to remove d4 points of
Radiation after each use. This die can ace as normal. One can of Nuke-B-Gone
holds one application.
Soothing Salve (50
Gold Chips)
After smearing this creamy salve on your skin, you gain a
+2 bonus to your next Radiation check within 24 hours of application. One can
of Soothing Salve holds 3 applications.
Doc Pepsteen’s Healing Tonic (75 Gold Chips)
One chug of this…interesting miracle tonic allows the
imbiber to immediately make a Natural Healing test. Don’t forget to subtract
your Wound penalties from this roll.
Kapka Seed (75 Gold Chips)
This handy seed is planted in the ground and then doused with
water. Immediately the seed begins to grow into a makeshift tent that can fit up
to three people and shelter them from the elements. The tent lasts for 24 hours
before withering and counts as a Safe Zone for the purposes of Radiation. Kapka
seeds sometimes sprout malicious beings called Bad Seeds. Whenever you use a
Kapka seed, roll a d20. On a result of 1-3, the seed sprouts forth a Bad Seed
that immediately tries to kill you and your pals.
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