Humans vary greatly in appearance, hair and eye color, and skin tone, and come
in all shapes and sizes. The foul energies that were unleashed during the Grand
Bang seeped into the Human soul, and every Human is born with a physical
Mutation that adds to their diverse and unique appearances.
Most Humans are lonely, depressed creatures who are shunned wherever they
travel. While the Grand Bang was a thousand years ago, everyone knows who was
responsible for it, and that stigma is a hard one to shake. Humans are either
shunned and mistrusted at best, or reviled and killed on sight at worst. Many
Humans spend their existences on the run from a cult of Human-Hunters called
the Brotherhood of Balance, who fanatically believe that once every single
Human in the world is slain, the world will revert back to the fertile utopia
it was so long ago. Every Human lives in mortal terror of these relentless and
misguided souls.
Human Abilities
Humans begin play with a free d6 in any one skill of their choice.
Humans begin play with one Edge of their choice.
Mutation: The
Human kingdom of Arcanica was ground zero for the magical disaster that turned
Xeriad into Planet X, and the surviving Humans were soaked in the twisted
energies that were released during the Grand Bang. They passed these traits to
their descendants, and every Human chooses one Mutation from the list provided
below. Mutations are all physically obvious and…interesting, but they are also
rather handy.
Pariah: While
details about the Grand Bang are sketchy at best, stories passed down from
generation to generation all point the finger at the Humans and their obsession
with Arcane Magic as the catalyst for the sad state of the world. As such, all
Humans are greatly mistrusted by society as a whole. Human players should
expect their fair share of dirty looks, second class citizen treatment, or
outright persecution and physical violence. You have been warned!
Human Mutations
The following is a list of just a few Mutations that have
been seen in Humans. Feel free to make your own Mutation up with your GM if the
ones below aren’t to your liking.
Third Eye: You
have a third eye smack dab in the middle of your forehead. You gain the Alertness
Edge for free. Once per adventure, you also get a prophetic vision of events to
come. Sometimes these are literal visions, while other times, they are a series
of cryptic omens and portents that might not make sense, but always come true
in the end. You cannot control these visions of events to come.
Claws: You
have a set of gnarled and razor sharp claws on your fingertips. You are never
considered unarmed. These Claws deal Strength+d4+1 damage. You gain a +2 bonus
to all climb rolls.
Aquatic: You
have a set of gills and webbed fingers and toes. This allows you to breathe
underwater indefinitely, and grants you a +2 bonus to all Swimming checks.
Lastly, you gain immunity to radiation in water.
Feeler: You
have an extra appendage growing out of you someplace. This dexterous, fleshy
tendril can do anything that a hand could do, like hold or manipulate items,
but it cannot be used in any kind of attack. Your appendage is also kind of
sticky, and you can spend a Benny to stick it to any surface, allowing you to
slither up and along sheer walls for up to one minute. Taking any kind of
action besides concentrating, or getting hit in combat ends this effect.
Buddy: You
have the face of another being growing out of you…someplace. Your Buddy has a
mind and personality all their own, but they often times have great advice to
give you!
Glow: Your
skin radiates a warm neon green glow. This makes Stealth impossible unless all
of your flesh is covered. The upside of this Mutation is that you never need a
light, and the Glow increases your natural Healing rate. You may make a natural
Healing roll once per hour.
Elves all have skin tones in shades of green, and all Elves are born with
colorful tattoos that decorate their flesh. These markings are often
hereditary, with similar shapes and patterns being found throughout members of
the same family. All elves have lithe and svelte builds, and Elf males and
females both stand at around 6 feet in height. Elves have gracefully pointed
ears and are fond of simplistic styles of dress. Elven hair and eyes can come
in any color that is vibrant, but an Elf has two different eye colors to
further add to their exotic appearance. Many Elves fashion their hair in
With their enchanted glades and forests forever warped by the unstable and
toxic energies unleashed by the Grand Bang, Elves have been exposed to mutated
and powerful spores that have warped their perceptions. Simply put, all Elves
are a bit touched mentally, seeing colors and shapes that others simply do not.
Because of this, your average Elf is seen as whimsically flighty at best, or
downright insane at worst. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
Elven Abilities
Improved Grace:
All Elves are dexterous and begin play with d6 Agility.
Kin to Nature:
Elves can effortlessly communicate with non-threatening plants and wildlife and
have an empathetic bond with such beings. Predator animals and man eating
plants don’t count as non-threatening :].
Wild Born: All
Elves begin play with d6 ratings in the Survival and Tracking skills.
Perceptions: Due to their proximity to the spore-drenched wilds of their
homeland, all Elves gain the Delusional (Minor) Hindrance at character
Dwarves are short and stocky, standing no taller than 5 feet in height with
broad and compact builds. Like the stone they hold kinship with, Dwarven skin
comes in any tone of slate or grey. Dwarves have black hair and black eyes, and
many Male Dwarves sport facial hair.
Even before the Grand Bang, Dwarves have had a great love of all things
cerebral. Theirs is a society of thinkers, philosophers, and academics, and the
Species as a whole remains one of the more educated in the gooey new world.
Your average Dwarf takes a great interest in any sort of cerebral endeavor. The
Species as a whole is endlessly fascinated by gizmos and any sort of
technology. It is said that the Dwarves built impressive steam powered wagons
and flying machines before the Grand Bang, but this technology has long since
turned to ash.
Expansive Mind:
All Dwarves have a great love of education and begin play with d6 Smarts.
Higher Learning:
Due to their keen interest of all things intellectual, all Dwarves begin play
with the Knowledge and Investigation skills at d6.
Secret of Black
Powder: While many of the technological marvels of the Dwarven race have
long been destroyed during the events of the Grand Bang, one legacy of the
Dwarven people remains, the knowledge of Black Powder, which still is in use
today. All Dwarves (and Dwarves only) gain proficiency in the use of Black
Powder Pistols, Black Powder Rifles, and the powerful Blunderbuss. Black Powder
Weapons simply do not function in the hands of a non-Dwarf.
Earthbound: As
creatures descended from the stone of the mountain, Dwarves despise travel by
sea or by air, and gain a -2 penalty to all rolls made while not treading on
solid ground. A Dwarf can swim normally and without penalty (though they
dislike this), but the water cannot be more than 10 feet deep.
Black Powder
These ancient and technological marvels were crafted and
created by ancient Dwarven inventors, and they are considered to be some of the
most devastating weaponry in the world. These weapons only function in Dwarven
Flintlock Pistol (Cost-150/Damage-2d6/AP 1, Reload 1)
Elegant and refined, this potent ranged weapon packs the
power of a crossbow, but can be fired using one hand.
Flintlock Rifle (Cost-300/Damage-2d8/2 Hands, AP 2,
Reload 2)
These long and powerful rifles pack a devastating punch
and can be used at shockingly long range.
Blunderbuss (Cost-400/Damage-Special/2 Hands, AP 3,
Reload 2)
A Blunderbuss is pretty much a hand held junk-cannon that
launches a shower of jagged metal bits that shreds anything in its path. One
shot from a Blunderbuss can saw through even the heaviest armor as if it were
paper. A Blunderbuss does 1d6 damage at long range, 2d6 damage at medium range,
and 3d6 damage at close range. A Blunderbuss fires in a cone, targeting all
targets within that cone.
Gnomes stand no taller than 4 feet in height, with gentle builds and large,
expressive eyes. Gnomish skin color is dusky and comes in any shade of brown,
and all Gnomes have snowy white hair and eyes that come in any shade of green.
Gnomes have exaggerated, mildly cartoonish features that makes them very
distinct of appearance.
Gnomes are friendly and very much concerned with matters of commerce and
numbers. Their talent for mercantile endeavors is legendary, and they are drawn
to shiny, glittery things. Gnomes are adept travelers and suffer from an
insatiable Wanderlust. They want to see and do everything, and this can often
get them into trouble. Your average Gnome is adept at social interactions and
Spirited: All
Gnomes are adept at social interactions and begin play with d6 Spirit
Silver Tongue:
Gnomes just love chatting up potential customers, and all Gnomes begin play
with a d6 in the Persuasion skill for free at character creation, as well as
the Charismatic Edge.
Treasure Sense:
A Gnome’s nose tingles when they are around expensive things within ten feet of
them. This sensation allows a Gnome to inspect an item of value and appraise
its market value with amazing accuracy. This sense can help find buried or
hidden treasure within range as well.
Gnomes love tales of Adventure, and it doesn’t take much to get them to investigate
something. All Gnomes begin play with the Curious (Major) Hindrance.
Ogres all have skin that comes in some shade of yellow, and they all have
glowing red eyes and one or more tusks that jut out of the sides of their mouths.
Ogres stand tall and lumbering, with males and females standing seven feet
tall. Ogres aren’t the most attractive sorts, and often are decorated in warts
and other blemishes.
Contrary to what one might think based on their fearsome appearance and blunt
natures, Ogres are not inherently evil. Most Ogres just love a good time and
get rowdy more often than most. Their favorite pastimes include drinking,
fighting and eating. They speak simply and without much flowery verbiage. An
Ogre is nothing if not honest, and deception is a foreign practice to them.
Ogre Abilities
Brute Force:
All Ogres are physically impressive and begin play with d6 Strength at
character creation.
Rough and Tumble:
Due to their violent upbringing and raucous natures, Ogres begin play with the
Fighting and Intimidation Skills at d6 for free at character creation.
Booze Affinity:
Ogres love to drink. A lot. An Ogre’s body handles alcohol far better than most
species, and they can drink as much as they like without ill effect. They can
get drunk, certainly, but never suffer any adverse affects of the condition. In
fact, alcohol aids in the healing process of an Ogre, and they get to roll a
natural healing check once per day immediately after consuming at least 12
ounces of alcohol.
Ogres are…interesting to look at, and all begin play with the Ugly (Minor)
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